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on stage

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16+ years of experience directing plays and performances covering text based drama, multi-disciplinary shows and musical theatre in Luxembourg, the USA, Austria, Germany, the UK, Spain.

Writer-director of one short film. 

coming up: Cock 

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Devising, Developing, Adapting

Extended and varied expertise with company-devised work, developing, retelling and remixing stories and playing with cross-cultural referencing and layered narratives.

Coming up: Lone Wolf, Spring Awakenigs, Daddy Issues

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Immersive & In-Situ

Breaking classical conventions by challenging the audience's viewpoints, involvement and role in what they see. When multiple stories are happening in parallel, where do we chose to look?


Look at De Bësch, Hothouse 

and beyond


XR & Digital Performance

Continuous Experimentation with live digital performance (live performance in the digital space) and the possibilities of extending the realities of the live with the virtual (Augmented and Virtual Realities). ​​

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Anne dives more and more into filmmaking. After a longer break since her short film D. - A Reproduction in 2013 and the actors' direction of the docu-fiction Ashcan: the secret prison, she is currently in post-production for the short Fade to Black and writing a long sci-fi feature. 


Visual and Auditory Storytelling

Exploration of storytelling through visual AI-generated art as an accompanying and complementary line of narration. Stretching the boundaries of the real and the fake. Further playing with isolated senses in radio play. 


D'Land, Claude Reiles

 In Zeiten der Orbáns, Trumps und Gaulands inszeniert Anne Simon mit Cocóóó Chanël einen wahnwitzigen, völlig überdrehten Politporno.

​(Über: Cocooo Chanëll, den Ubu als Kinnék)

D'Land, Josée Hansen

Anne Simon s’en est donnée à coeur joie dans la mise en espace de ces saynètes touchantes et grinçantes à la fois, en faisant un ballet d’impromptus et d’images fortes. 

(Sur: Microdrames)

Wort, Erik Abbott

The company has created a disturbing and theatrically vivid work that both embraces the familiar bleakness of the original and transcends its mythic horror with one that is all too recognisable. 

(On: Trail of Crumbs)

Sous ses airs de Paris Hilton extravertie, elle est décidément plus rock’n’roll que Carole Lorang, et, après des acteurs comme Tom Leick et Jules Werner, la première réalisatrice de cette génération de jeunes qui ont fait leurs études en Angleterre plutôt qu’en France, en Belgique ou en Allemagne, et trouvent tout naturel de monter des pièces anglaises ou américaines en V.O. Nourrie au cinéma – son père dirige les cinémas Utopolis – et proche du monde de la musique, elle est néanmoins une femme de théâtre. Elle est probablement la première représentante du théâtre hyper-kinétique au grand-duché.

D'Land, Josée Hansen

© 2023 by Anne Simon

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